Ir Receiver Circuit Diagram Using Tsop1738

  1. Ir Receiver Circuit
  2. See Full List On
  3. Tsop1738 Specs
  4. Tsop1738 Datasheet
  5. Tsop1738 Circuit

This tutorial explains the simple functioning of an IR transmitter and a receiver using a 555 Timer IC. Here the TSOP1738, which is a transmitter, receives an infrared signal. And a simple IR LED transmits the signal. The receiver TSOP1738 consists of the photodetector, a gain control, a bandpass filter, a demodulator, and a pre-amplifier. Read more about IR sensors. IR Sensor Circuit using Transistor. The circuit diagram of the IR sensor using transistors namely obstacle detection using two transistors is shown below. This circuit is mainly used for obstacle detection using an IR LED. So, this circuit can be built with two transistors like NPN and PNP. IR Transmitter Circuit Diagram We are using TSOP1738 for receiver, so we need to generate the modulated IR of 38 kHz. You can use any TSOP, but you need to generate IR of respective frequency as TSOP. So we are using 555 timer in Astable mode to oscillate the IR at 38KHz frequency.

The Infra Red signals are widely used in wide range of remote control applications so it is worthy to know about the transmission and receiving the IR signals.Here the above circuit was a simple Infrared receiver circuit constructed using IC 555 and TSOP1738.The TSOP1738 was nothing but a simple IR detector used widely and here it was used for the same detecting purpose and then the signal was fed into the IC 555 which was wired as monostable multivibrator.Lets move in to the working of the above circuit.


In this above circuit the TSOP1738 forms the main constituent of this circuit and this was designed to detect the IR signals from any source.This was used to detect the signals of the range of 38 KHz and thus named as “TSOP1738” and last two numbers of each of this TSOP series was named for their receiving frequency range.The pin configuration was given below.

Tsop1738 datasheet

The Vs was connected to 5v power supply and the GND to ground respectively.And the output was taken from the OUT pin.The TSOP gives high signal as output in the absence of detection of any IR signals and low output whenever IR signals incident on TSOP1738.This logic was used in the above receiver circuit to to detect the Infra red signals.

Since the IC 555 was wired as monostable multivibrator the negative trigger to the pin 2 of the 555 IC will result in a high output at the 3 pin of the IC 555 thus indicating that the detection of Infra Red signals.But in the absence of IR signals the TSOP will give a high positive trigger thus there will be no output obtained from the 3rd pin of the IC 555.By this way the receiver circuit using TSOP1738 and IC 555 works.

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Pin Configuration

Pin Number

Pin Name




Connected to the Ground of circuit



Typically connect to +5V, maximum of 6V can be given



The signal pin gives out the sequence based on the IR signal detected

TSOP-1738 Characteristics

  • Minimum and Maximum Input Voltage is -0.3 and 5V respectively. Typically +5V is used.
  • Can detect IR signals from Remotes (38kHz)
  • Operating current: 5mA
  • High Range and wide coverage area.
  • Will respond only to IR signals, due to high immunity against ambient light
  • Low power consumption
  • Has in-built pre amplifier
  • TTL and CMOS compatible

Note: Complete Technical Details can be found at the TSOP1738 datasheet given at the end of this page.

TSOP1738 Equivalent IR Receivers

See Full List On

SM0038, TSOP-17XX

Where to use TSOP-1738 Sensor

Tsop1738 Specs

The TSOP sensor has the ability to read the output signals from home remotes like TV remote, Home theatre remote, AC remote etc.. All these remotes will work with a frequency of 38kHz and this IC can pick up any IR signals process them and provide the output on pin 3. So if you are looking for a sensor to analyse, re-create or duplicate the functions of a remote then this IC will be the perfect choice for you.

Also keep in mind that this series TSOP-1738 will receive only 38Khz IR signals. All remotes in India will operate in 38Khz, kindly ensure if it is the same in your country.

Tsop1738 Datasheet

How to test and use TSOP-1738 Sensor

The TSOP-1738 is an IR Receiver Sensor, which can be used to receive IR signals of 38Khz. The sensor operates on 5V and consumes around 5mA to operate. Normally the signal pin (pin 3) IC is connected to a microcontroller to analyse the IR signal received. But let’s consider that you just purchased the IC and you want to check it is working. To do those just connect your TSOP as shown in the test circuit below

Now use any IR remote that’s lying around in your home and press any button on it. You should notice the Green Led blinking each time you press any button. This is just to ensure that the sensor is working as it has to be. Now, you can proceed with any MCU or MPU to decode the received IR signal. Once the IR signal is decoded you can re-create it using an IR Blaster.

Tsop1738 Circuit

TSOP-1738 Applications

  • Receive IR signals
  • Decode Remote signals
  • Analyse, re-create or duplicate remote Signals
  • Wireless control applications
  • Receiver circuit for IR remote controls
  • IR Remote tester circuits

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